The United States Palestinian Community Network (USPCN) strongly condemns and denounces the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s political repression of 19 anti-war, Palestine solidarity and Palestinian activists. The USPCN calls for the immediate
Grand Jury Subpeonas, FBI Raids, Are Throw Back to COINTELPRO, US UPR Double Speak
Greenville, SC, December 23, 2010- U.S. Human Rights Network Political Prisoner/State Repression Working Group (USHRN PP/SR)
The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI) strongly condemns the intensifying witch hunt against anti-war activists in Chicago and Minneapolis, and the raiding of offices and subpoena of
(CHICAGO 12/22/2010) – The American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) strongly condemns the newest round of federal grand jury subpoenas issued to Palestinian solidarity activists in Chicago and Minnesota on Tuesday. In total,
The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network condemns the federal government's accelerating use of the anti-democratic Grand Jury to harass and threaten the Palestine solidarity movement. We will not be deterred in seeking justice for
The Committee to Stop FBI Repression is circulating the following statement from Palestine solidarity activist Maureen Murphy. Maureen is the managing editor of the popular online publication, Electronic Intifada, and she is also