News that five homes of well-known peace activists in Minneapolis had been raided and searched by FBI agents yesterday morning brought expressions of outrage from members of the Green Party´s state coordinating
Fight Imperialism Stand Together (FIST), joins all progressive groups– be they anti-war, anti-imperialist, anti-racist or left generally—in denouncing the raids against anti- imperialist activists in Minnesota, and Illinois and condemns the grand
Yesterday, September 24, 2010, in various localities in the United States the Federal Bureau of Investigation executed search warrants on the homes of, and served grand jury subpoenas on, several anti-war and solidarity
On Friday September 24, a series of FBI raids were carried out throughout the United States. These raids targeted organizations with a clear anti-war, anti-imperialist, pro-peace position against U.S. foreign and domestic
Statement by United National Antiwar Committee
On the morning of Sept. 24, FBI agents armed with Grand Jury subpoenas raided the homes of several antiwar and social justice activists in Minnesota, Michigan and
Opposition to War and Occupation wholeheartedly condemns the recent FBI house raids of social justice activists in Minneapolis and Chicago on Friday, September 24th, 2010. These raids are a part of the long