Rasmea Odeh is a leading member of Chicago’s Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim communities, and her decade of service in Chicago has changed the lives of thousands of people, particularly disenfranchised Arab women
Rasmea Defense Committee
Thursday, July 9th, 2015
Federal prosecutor Jonathan Tukel filed a brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit yesterday, opposing Rasmea Odeh’s call to overturn
Sunday, June 28th, 2:30pm
University of IL Chicago (UIC)
750 S. Halsted St, Student Center East
Illinois Room, 3rd Floor
Hello everyone, we have sold out the Sunday event with Angela Davis
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Thank you so much for tuning in yesterday and watching Rasmea and her lead attorney, Michael Deutsch, discuss the appeals process and break down the appellant brief Deutsch filed
Click below to download the brief on appeal filed today by Defense Attorney Michael Deutsch:
Upcoming Events: Live stream legal update on Rasmea Odeh appeal, With Defense Attorney Michael Deutsch and Rasmea (Thursday,
Palestinian activist Rasmea Odeh is asking to speak to organized groups of supporters by video conference on
Thursday, June 11
6:30 p.m. CDT
the day after her defense attorney Michael Deutsch