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Appeal for Rasmea Odeh from Meredith Aby

Happy Holidays To Our Friends and Supporters, On September 24, 2010 my life changed as the FBI rummaged through my home looking for evidence of “material support for terrorism” as I stood holding

Sign the petition for Rasmea Odeh

Sign the petition for Rasmea Odeh

Drop the Charges against Rasmea Yousef Odeh Sign the petition here:   Signing the petition will generate a direct email to: * U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of

All out for Detroit to defend Rasmea Odeh!

All out for Detroit to defend Rasmea Odeh!

Take Action 1) Mobilize to support Rasmea at her next hearing in Detroit on September 2nd, 2014. 2) Sign the petition to drop the charges against Rasmea: 3)