FBI attempts to question Chicago international solidarity activists. Don’t talk to FBI!
On November 15, three FBI agents came to the Chicago home of an international solidarity
Please sign TODAY, July 10, so we hit them big on the day that this goes “live.”
This is a way to target your federal Representative and Senators, asking them to send letters to Attorney General Eric Holder. Note that this one does not replace the current CSFR petition; they have different messages and targets. So share both links today!
As Israel is intensifying its U.S.-sponsored brutality toward the Palestinian people, the United States is moving ahead with its prosecution of Rasmea Odeh—a survivor of Israeli torture and a beloved Chicago-area Palestinian-American community organizer—despite thousands of you who have written to and called the District Attorney to drop the spurious immigration-related charges against her.
But we won’t be deterred.
Please take a moment to write and call your Members of Congress expressing your concern about Rasmea’s prosecution and asking them to send a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder about the case. Click here to get to
Please share the links for both the the July 10 Day of Action and the CSFR petitionwidely!
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