FBI attempts to question Chicago international solidarity activists. Don’t talk to FBI!
On November 15, three FBI agents came to the Chicago home of an international solidarity
Dear Friends:
Carlos Montes has dedicated his life to the movement for Chicano liberation and for immigrants’ rights, public education and peace. Now, he is being prosecuted on felony charges. These charges are bogus and Carlos has been and will continue to defend himself. To do that effectively he needs to be ready to go to trial and have an active political defense in Los Angeles. A trial is expected to begin in the next few months. An effective defense costs money, for legal fees and for CSFR organizers to work full time in LA. Expenses are expected to run upwards of $15,000 dollars.
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Carlos Montes, a fighter for justice.
From the LA student walkouts of 1968, to the battle to stop the privatization of Garfield High School in 2009, Carlos has been there. From the first Chicano Moratorium against the war in Vietnam, to anti-war protests against NATO in Chicago in 2012, Carlos is here. From the front lines protesting police brutality in 1960’s East LA, to seeking justice for Manuel Jimenes in 2011, his life has been dedicated to serving the people. (See article “Never Stop Fighting” www.lamag.com)
Target of Political Repression
Because of his activism he is the target of political repression directed by the FBI. The LA county District Attorney claims he is a felon in violation of firearm codes. He faces four felony charges. This claim stems from a 1969 student strike for Black, Chicano and Women’s studies at East L.A. College, where police beat and arrested demonstrators. Carlos was arrested on his way home, accused of assaulting a sheriff’s deputy (with an empty soda can). The D.A. claims that this forty-two year old case was sentenced as a felony, making Montes ineligible to own his legally purchased firearms. Recent court document show that this charge was sentenced as a misdemeanor. Without a past felony, all of the charges that Montes is now facing would be dismissed.
The legal process against Carlos is being driven by the FBI. Matt Weber is an FBI Special Agent who told LA County sheriff detective Donald Lord to go after Carlos. This case is not about a 42 year old charge or owning registered firearms. This case is about political repression. Montes is one of the 24 anti-war and international solidarity activists who are being attacked by the justice department for their anti-war and international solidarity work. For more information on the larger case see www.stopfbi.net.
Carlos has dedicated his life to justice and now he needs you to dedicate your time and money to defend his lifetime of political activism. Please donate and/or host a fundraising event in order to support his legal defense.
Steff Yorek
Committee to Stop FBI Repression