The Committee to Stop FBI Repression is circulating the following The Committee Against Political Repression press release:
Repression Against Anarchists Intensifies
Portland, Oregon – Two recent developments indicate an intensification of the government’s
Protest the School of the Americas
Saturday, November 17
Fort Benning, Georgia
The Committee to Stop FBI Repression will have a table and a workshop at the School of the America’s protest
The U.S. Supreme Court entered an order declining the appeal of the Holy Land Five, Oct. 29. This rejection comes with no explanation. The judicial appeal process ends here, but the struggle
Press Statement For Immediate Release:
National Day of Action in Solidarity with the Holy Land Five
Leaders of the anti-war and Palestine solidarity movements, joined by civil liberties advocates, are planning a Free
Free them now!
The Committee to Stop FBI Repression stands in solidarity with Northwest activists Katherine Olejnik and Matt Duran, who are currently being imprisoned for refusing to cooperate with a secret grand
Thursday, October 25th
Justice for the Holy Land Five!
Release the Five Now!
More Information
List of HLF October 25, 2012 day of action endorsers:
* Committee to Stop FBI Repression
* Free the Holy