Statement in Solidarity with All Grand Jury Resisters
From the Bay Area Grand Jury Resistance Collective: (click on the below image for a printable brochure):
From the Bay Area Grand Jury Resistance Collective: (click on the below image for a printable brochure):
Take Action 1) Mobilize to support Rasmea at her next hearing in Detroit on September 2nd, 2014. 2) Sign the petition to drop the charges against Rasmea: http://www.stopfbi.net/sign-petition-rasmea-odeh 3)
September 24, 2013 The Honorable Eric Holder Attorney General U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington DC 20530-0001 Dear Attorney General Holder: As the Congressman representing the Fifth Congressional District
Anti-war and civil liberties activists will protest September 24, 2013 Minneapolis Federal Building, 4th Ave. and 4th St. They are demanding an end to the three year investigation of anti-war and international solidarity
This is a powerful statement against political repression and for civil liberties from UE. UE is an independent, rank and file union with a militant tradition. They set the standard for other unions
Update from Ralph Poynter: July 2, 2013 The Federal Bureau of Prisons has DENIED Lynne Stewart’s application for compassionate release. Director Charles E. Samuels, Jr. took this action despite recommendations for compassionate