June 7, 2011

University of Minnesota SDS: Solidarity w/ Carlos Montes!

Students for a Democratic Society at the University of MN strongly condemns the FBI and LA County Sheriff department’s violent raid of Chicano activist Carlos Montes. We stand in solidarity with Montes and all those who are targets of the ongoing investigation of anti-war and international solidarity activists.

Students for a Democratic society recognizes the 5 AM raid on May 17, 2011 as part of an ongoing attack against activists and clearly a broadening of this investigation. The presence of the FBI during this raid and the attempt by the FBI to ask questions about their investigation make the connection to the ongoing investigation and harassment of peace and justice activists unmistakable. Moreover, the documents taken from Carlos’ home, including his computer, cell phones, and hundreds of personal documents have nothing to do with his charges regarding a firearm code and goes hand in hand with the ongoing harassment of peace and justice activists since the raids of 24 September in Minneapolis and Chicago.

Due to his political involvement in the struggles for immigrants rights, Chicano civil rights, and the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, Carlos is clearly being targeted as part of a broad attempt by the federal government to silence opposition to policies of injustice, oppression and exploitation. Carlos has committed no crime and the attack on him is an attack on all activists involved in movements for justice.

SDS stands in solidarity with the work and struggles of Carlos Montes and demands the FBI, LA County Sheriff Department and Federal Government drops all charges and stop their repression of all activists now!