We Won't Tolerate FBI Repression!

Statement by Arab Resource and Organizing Center

The Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC) condemns the FBI raids on the homes and offices of social justice activists early morning on September 24th and any continued action the FBI may be taking to investigate or interrogate others. (Read more about what happened at: http://tc.indymedia.org/ )

This is a direct and deliberate attack on civil liberties and our movements’ organizing for self-determination and justice for communities at home and abroad. FBI and other investigations will not distract us from our ongoing mission to struggle for a just and equitable world. We will continue our work opposing the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan, the occupation and genocide in Palestine, and decades of military and political intervention in Latin America.

The FBI’s use of Grand Juries is an intentional tactic used by the government to intimidate, smear, and divide our movements and organizations. We recognize that this becomes particular threatening at a time when our movements’ are already being tested by political maneuvering such as the US led Israel/PA negotiations and the shift from combat troops to diplomatic and contractor troops in Iraq. Our strength is in our unity, our vigilance, and our ability to maintain a clear focus on our organizing for liberation.

We stand against the use of Grand Juries to harass and intimidate our movements. We stand with those attacked and offer our continued solidarity. We must work together as a united movement of those struggling against war and occupation, and for human rights and civil liberties of all people.