Voces de la Frontera Solidarity Statement

November 12, 2010

Voces de la Frontera stands in solidarity with the anti-war movement activists confronted with the abuse committed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), who raided seven houses and the Anti-War Committee office in Chicago and Minneapolis on the morning of September 24, 2010.

The FBI handed out subpoenas for over a dozen activists to appear to testify before a special federal Grand Jury. The FBI confiscated computers, email and mailing lists, cell phones, cameras, videos, books, and passports. This is a dangerous attack on the constitutional rights of free speech of every social justice, antiwar and human rights activist and organization in the U.S. today. The right to speak, meet and write opinions is guaranteed under the constitution. The FBI also tried to intimidate activists in Wisconsin, California and North Carolina. We express our solidarity with compañeros/as facing this abuse from the federal authorities.

As an organization that struggles for immigrant and workers rights we are confronted daily with raids in our community, we know what these raids mean for our brothers and sisters in the anti-war movement. These actions by the government are a threat to all social movements. Our organization joins with the rest of the organizations in one sentiment and clamor for true justice for our brothers and sisters, who simply reject every day unjust wars and invasions that the U.S. government is carrying out all over the world.

We demand:

  • End to the repression against anti-war and international solidarity activists!
  • Immediately return all confiscated materials: computers, cell phones, papers, documents, etc.
  • End the grand jury proceedings against anti-war activists!


Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Executive Director