USACBI Solidarity Statement with the Anti-War Activists targeted by FBI

The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI) strongly condemns the intensifying witch hunt against anti-war activists in Chicago and Minneapolis, and the raiding of offices and subpoena of non-violent community activists by the FBI in these cities. We call for an immediate end to the suppression of civil rights and free speech, and an immediate suspension of the grand jury prosecution of the anti-war activists who have been subpoenaed since September 24 2010.

USACBI believes non-violent resistance is the only valid option to end injustice in Israel and Palestine, and stands in support of activists in the US who are critical of US foreign policy that engages in, funds, and aggravates armed conflict in the Middle East and elsewhere. We stand in support of pacifist activists and organizers who advocate such measures as Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions, which constitute a non-violent strategy that has a historical record of success against institutionalized discrimination, from apartheid South Africa to the segregated American South.

We will continue to monitor this situation, which we view as a serious violation of the rights to freedom of speech, and freedom of assembly, as guaranteed in the US Constitution Bill of Rights, as well as a blatant abuse of power and the criminalizing of dissent in the name of “national security."

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USACBI is a US campaign focused specifically on a boycott of Israeli academic and cultural institutions, until Israel meets its obligation to recognize the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination and fully complies with the precepts of international law. For more information go to