Support Civil Liberties, Protest Political Repression: One-Year Anniversary of FBI Raids on Anti-War Activists

**For Immediate Release: September 22, 2011**

**For Further Information:**
– Jess Sundin @ 612-272-2209 – Committee to Stop FBI Repression and MN Anti-War Committee
– Tom Burke @ 773-844-3612 – Committee to Stop FBI Repression

**[Protest 1:00 pm Saturday September 24, 2011 @ 2911 Park Ave, Minneapolis MN](**

## Support Civil Liberties, Protest Political Repression: One-Year Anniversary of FBI Raids on Anti-War Activists

This weekend there will be events and protests across the country to defend civil liberties and oppose political repression. It is one year since the FBI raided two homes in Chicago and five homes plus the Anti-War Committee office in Minneapolis, handing out 14 subpoenas including two in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Tom Burke, of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression of Grand Rapids said, “The anti-war and international solidarity activists’ homes were turned upside down and notebooks, cell phones, artwork, computers, passports, personal belongings, were all carted off by the FBI. Anyone who has ever been robbed knows the feelings–shock and anger.”

Burke added, “For those raided and subpoenaed to a grand jury it is not over. Every communication our lawyers have with the U.S. Attorney indicates he wants to pursue indictments and trials on charges of ‘material support for foreign terrorist organizations’. It’s clear to us that what he actually intends is to imprison people for their political ideas and activism.”

Jess Sundin, Minneapolis anti-war activist whose home was raided said, “The response to the raids from the movement was tremendous. In the first two weeks after the raids, thousands of people in sixty cities protested outside FBI offices poured in from anti-war, civil rights, religious and faith groups, students, and unions. Groups and committees began working to obtain letters of support from Congresspersons.”

Jess continued, “We need to continue to fight for our civil liberties in the face of this attack. To that end we will hold a protest at 2911 Park Ave in Minneapolis at 1:00pm on Saturday September 24.” An attorney who has been working on the case will provide a legal update at Saturday’s protest.