Stop FBI Repression of Peace Activists!

CODEPINK strongly condemns the FBI raids on the homes of peace activists and international solidarity activists in Minneapolis and Chicago on Friday, September 24. We stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters who have been targeted in these baseless raids. We call on U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to intervene immediately to end the FBI's acts of repression.

Agents kicked down doors of homes with guns drawn, smashed furniture, and seized computers, documents, phones, and other materials without making any arrests. These groups do not use guns and bombs. They are not terrorists. Their "weapons" are leaflets, newsletters, and nonviolent demonstrations.

We're appalled that FBI agents in Chicago spent 12 hours confiscating personal belongings, including those of the activists’ children, cells phones, computers, and paperwork going as far back as the ‘70s. The warrants are being used as a way to intimidate and silence not only those targeted, but the entire peace movement and those that speak out against the U.S. policies in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, and Columbia.

Our movement will not be intimidated, nor will our work stop. Quite the opposite; we are more resolute than ever to continue our work. We will continue to be strongly committed to building a movement to resist oppression at home and abroad. We will not be silenced.

Take action, speak out, let your voice be heard.