Statement of solidarity from the Palestine Solidarity Project

The Palestine Solidarity Project stands in solidarity with US activists facing FBI repression for their organizing efforts to support Palestinian freedom from Israeli occupation. A total of 23 activists have been issued subpoenas to testify before a grand jury after the FBI began a series of coordinated house raids in several cities starting on September 24th. Five of this number are Palestinian-American community activists.

The Palestine Solidarity Project, a Palestinian-led initiative based in the West Bank village of Beit Ommar with supporters around the world, stands with all solidarity activists who come under attack as a result of working for justice. PSP organizers have witnessed the hard work and dedication of several of the activists targeted by this baseless investigation. Their commitment to the people of Palestine has been demonstrated by posting and editing articles related to Palestinian issues, running community centers for under-served youth in inner cities, organizing nonviolent protests and educational events related to the occupation of Palestine, and encouraging support for the burgeoning Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israeli products and interests. Just as these activists have stood with the people of Palestine, so too do we call for an immediate end to this criminalization of free speech and we commit to do all that we can to ensure that justice for these men and women prevail.

In Solidarity,

The Palestine Solidarity Project