Statement from the Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality

PO Box 23202, Richmond, VA 23223 l Ph: 804.644-5834 l Fax: 804.332.5225
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Dear Sisters and Brothers,

On the morning of Sept. 24, FBI agents raided the homes of several activists in Minnesota, Michigan and Illinois, targeting people doing solidarity work with the struggles in Columbia and Palestine. Under the pretext of investigating “terrorism,” the agents seized computers, cellphones, political leaflets and other printed materials. The FBI also has contacted people in California, North Carolina and Wisconsin as part of the same “investigation.”

The people targeted are well-known leaders of anti-war, solidarity and student organizations. While so far no one has been arrested, about a dozen activists have been issued subpoenas ordering them to testify before a grand jury in Chicago. All have refused to discuss their political work and views with FBI agents, as is their right. They have publicly denounced these raids as an attempt by the government to intimidate and repress any opposition to U.S. wars of intervention and occupation.

The Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality join with progressive organizations and activists around the country in condemning in the strongest possible terms these raids by the FBI. We strongly reaffirm our support for all social justice activists seeking to defend the rights of workers and communities of color here at home as well as our sisters and brothers around the world resisting occupation and military dictatorship.

The Defenders urge full support of the activists targeted by the FBI. We can start by widely distributing the statement below issued by activists targeted in the raids.

In solidarity,

Ana Edwards, Phil Wilayto and Queen Zakia Shabazz
for the Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality – Virginia
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