Solidarity statement from the Network of Spiritual Progressives - Minnesota

The Network of Spiritual Progressives Minnesota stands in solidarity with other peace organizations and progressive activists in condemning the September 24, 2010, FBI raids on the homes of 14 activists in Minneapolis and other cities. The way to more compassionate policies has always been led by brave citizens willing to speak truth to power and to risk suppression by this power. Every curtailment of civil liberties is a diminution of who we are as a people and who we strive to become.

We call on elected officials at all levels of government up to the President of the United States to unambiguously affirm an absolute commitment to the Constitutional rights to free speech and assembly and to assure that all agencies they direct conduct themselves to the highest ideals of America. In the eloquent words of Barbara Jordan: “What the American people want is very simple. They want a country as good as its promise.” Yes, we do! Yes, we do!

Network of Spiritual Progressives-Minnesota Chapter