Solidarity statement from the Minneaplis Area Synod

Whereas, in the ELCA social statement For Peace in God’s World (1995) we declared, “We dedicate ourselves anew to pray and to work for peace in God’s world”; and

Whereas, in that same social statement we affirmed that “Freedom of association and activities of non-governmental local, national, and international organizations are indispensable to building peace today”; and

Whereas, on September 24, 2010 there were FBI raids on several peace activists in Minneapolis and Chicago with subsequent grand jury subpoenas; and

Whereas, these peace activists have not been arrested or charged with any crime; and

Whereas, these people are entitled to presumption of innocence under the U.S. Constitution; and

Whereas, a report by Department of Justice inspector General Glenn A. Fine (“Review of FBI’s Investigation of Certain Domestic Advocacy Groups,” September 20, 2010) had roundly criticized the FBI for improperly targeting domestic peace and anti-war groups for investigation;

therefore be it Resolved, that the Minneapolis Area Synod meeting in assembly memorialize the 2011 ELCA Churchwide Assembly to call upon the Office of the Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the ELCA Church Council to call upon U.S. Senators and Representatives, U.S. Attorney General Holder, and President Obama to investigate these raids and subpoenas for constitutional legality in order to ensure that the legitimate right to dissent from the policies of our government remains guaranteed to all citizens.

Author(s): Mr. Lyle Steinfeldt, Member of the Peace with Justice Committee,
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 612-729-8358
Adopted by: South Minneapolis Conference Meeting, February 13, 2011
Contact(s): Carol Masters 612-724-2891