Solidarity Statement from Japanese American Citizens League - Silicon Valley Chapter
October 27, 2010
The Silicon Valley chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), the.oldest and largest Asian American civil and human rights organization in the
nation, expresses its concern in regard to the subpoenaing and raiding of offices of community activists by the FBI in Illinois and Minnesota and the questioning of a community activist here in San Jose, California. Legitimate and protected political dissent is a freedom granted by our Constitution.
The JACL has long been a champion of the civil rights of not only Asian Americans but of ALL citizens ofthe United States of America. It stands opposed to any action which targets citizens due to race or ethnic heritage without regard to due process and legitimate cause.
We will continue to monitor this situation and lend our voice to others who simply demand 'fair and equal' treatment under the law for all of our citizens, regardless
of race or ethnicity.
Silicon Valley JACL Chapter