Seattle United Against FBI Repression: Twenty-three antiwar and international solidarity activists are still facing possible jail time for living by t

Hi Seattle United Against FBI Repression activists,

Twenty-three antiwar and international solidarity activists are still facing possible jail time for living by their convictions.

Attached is a new flyer we’d like you to download, print and circulate at upcoming activities and events.  Please help ask others to stand in solidarity with the 23.

This next week there are multiple events in Olympia, Seattle and across the nation to oppose attacks on working people and cuts in basic services.

Some of the events are listed below:

**MON APRIL 4, 5:30-7 pm, at MLK Jr. Park in Seattle (2200 Mmartin Luther King Jr. Way)

From Wisconsin to Idaho, Ohio to Florida, across the nation the public sector and public sector unions are under attack. Hard earned civil liberties are being outwardly attacked. Please join union members and others interested in protecting the public sector and civil liberties. Join us as we honor the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and STAND UP FOR WORKING FAMILIES. This event is spearheaded by CWA [Communication Workers of America] and supported by MLKCLC [Martin Luther King County Labor Council] and other affiliated organizations, info


Fight back against cutbacks & corporate control!
4 days of rallies, actions & no-business-as-usual
at the Capitol Campus, Olympia
Come any or all days! Most activities start at noon.

End corporate loopholes and give-aways to big business.
Stop scapegoating public workers, immigrants and the poor.
Don’t balance the budget on the backs of women, people of color, and the most vulnerable.
Defend public schools and affordable tuition.
Hands off collective bargaining. No layoffs or givebacks! Create jobs!
Tues., April 5 · Day of Action Against Budget Cuts
Lead organization: Olympia Fair Budget Coalition
Wed., April 6 · Mobilize for Human Needs & Education
Lead organization: Washington CAN Register now
Thurs., April 7 · Medical Care & Mental Health Aid for All
Lead organization: Service Employees International Union
Fri., April 8 · Defend Public Employees & Workers’ Rights
Lead organization: Washington State Labor Council
For other events check out the Seattle Peace and Justice Events Calendar: