Resolution by the National Lawyers Guild Condemning the Raids and Grand Jury Subpoenas for Antiwar Solidarity Activists in Michigan, Illinois, and Min

Yesterday, September 24, 2010, in various localities in the United States the Federal Bureau of Investigation executed search warrants on the homes of, and served grand jury subpoenas on, several anti-war and solidarity activists involved in solidarity work with Palestinian and Colombian people.

The United States has demanded that these peaceful activists produce, to a Federal Grand Jury, emails, pictures, bank records and other personal records relating to travel to Colombia, Jordan, Syria, the Palestinian Territories, and Israel.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the National Lawyers Guild strongly denounces the attacks on free speech, freedom of association, right to dissent, and expressions of solidarity represented by these raids and grand jury subpoenas.

We further resolve that the National Lawyers Guild shall continue to zealously defend the right to dissent, the right to act in solidarity with oppressed peoples, and resist the chilling effect of *Holder v. Humanitarian Laws Project at al. *

Consistent with the NLG approach to opposing this type of attack we support all efforts to enjoin the grand jury and prosecution, as the NLG did in the case of *Dombrowski v. Pfister. *