People's Organization for Progress Resolution against the Sep. 24th FBI Raids on Political Activists

The People’s Organization for Progress condemns the FBI raids of Sep. 24 against antiwar and international support political activists in Minneapolis, Chicago, Michigan and North Carolina. The object of these raids is to repress the rights of citizens to act in favor of causes they see as just, even when those causes are opposed by the US government.

Those targeted by the Sep. 24 raids have done nothing wrong. They have supported the struggles of people in Colombia, Palestine, and elsewhere to end oppression aided and sanctioned by the US government. They organized rallies at the 2008 Republican National Convention in St. Paul to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Several are veteran trade unionists. They were right to do these things.

As a result they have had their homes ransacked, computers, cell phones, personal papers, children’s artwork etc., confiscated and carted off by the FBI. They have been subpoenaed to appear before Grand Jury fishing expeditions in an attempt to rig up a fake “terrorism” case.

The FBI is not the “good guy,” intent on protecting peaceful citizens against “terror.” It is the bad guy bent on intimidation of anyone who stands up against injustices perpetrated or supported by the US government.

The People’s Organization for Progress stands with all those across the United States who have come forth to stop the wave of FBI oppression. We join with others to demand:

  • No more raids against political activists.
  • Return all confiscated items.
  • End the Grand Jury witch hunt against political activists.