Palestine Solidarity Group Chicago Condemns New Subpoenas Issued to Palestine Solidarity Activists

December 20, 2010 – The Palestine Solidarity Group-Chicago (PSG) strongly condemns the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s continued harassment and repression of solidarity and anti-war activists with the issuance of five new subpoenas in the Chicago area to Palestine solidarity activists on Friday December 3 and Wednesday December 8.

This continues the assault on the anti-war and Palestine solidarity movement that began on September 24th. This case began with 14 subpoenas delivered to anti-war, labor and solidarity activists in coordinated raids that swept the Midwest, involving scores of federal agents. A total of 19 people have been subpoenaed. “The FBI is continuing their campaign to intimidate the movement,” stated Joe Iosbaker of the national Committee to Stop FBI Repression. Iosbaker was one of those raided and subpoenaed in September.

These newest subpoenas are an attack on the Palestinian solidarity movement and an attempt to silence criticism of U.S. policy toward Israel. There is nothing criminal about standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people; demanding an end to U.S. military aid to Israel; and demanding an end to the occupation. There is nothing criminal about traveling to Palestine and coming back to educate the U.S. public.

We urge all people of conscience and those who stand in solidarity with the Palestinians to join us in calling for an end to political repression, both here and abroad, as we continue to support the movement for self-determination for the Palestinian people.

PSG calls on all its supporters to contact U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald and condemn the use of the grand jury to repress the anti-war and solidarity movements. Call Patrick J. Fitzgerald at 312-353-5300.

In addition, call President Obama at (202)-456-1111 and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder at (202)-353-1555 and demand:

  • An end to the repression of anti-war and international solidarity
  • Return all materials seized in the raid!
  • Call off the Grand Jury!