Opposition to War & Occupation Official Statement Against September 24 FBI Raids of Activist Homes

Opposition to War and Occupation wholeheartedly condemns the recent FBI house raids of social justice activists in Minneapolis and Chicago on Friday, September 24th, 2010. These raids are a part of the long history of coordinated government repression against those who fight against imperialism and exploitation and those working in solidarity with them. Just this past year, we have seen violent attacks on aid workers aboard the Gaza Freedom flotilla and on those en route to the autonomous municipality of San Juan Copala, Oaxaca. Here in Minnesota, we saw the arrest of Scott Demuth on trumped up charges and the subsequent incarceration of of Carrie Feldman for her refusal to testify before a federal grand jury in connection to his case. While it is clear that activists are continuing to be systematically harassed, targeted, and even murdered in an attempt to undermine struggles for justice, it is equally clear that we must continue to meet such efforts at isolation and intimidation with steadfast resistance to war and occupation, and all forms of state violence.


Opposition to War & Occupation (OWO)
