NYMAPU Condemns FBI Raids on Labor, Peace, and Solidarity Activists

The attached resolution to Condemn FBI Raids on Labor, Peace and Solidarity Activists was passed unanimously on November 9, 2010 by the Executive Board of the New York Metro Area Postal Union, APWU, AFL-CIO. The New York Metro Area Postal Union is the largest local in the American Postal Workers Union and represents 5,200 members in the Clerk, Motor Vehicle and Maintenance crafts in Manhattan, The Bronx and two large plants in Northern New Jersey. The president is Clarice Torrence who is now serving her third three-year term.

For further information please contact Chuck Zlatkin at 917-693-9427.

Condemn FBI Raids on Labor, Peace and Solidarity Activists

Whereas, on September 24, 2010, the FBI raided the homes and offices of anti-war and trade union activists in Minnesota, Illinois and Michigan, confiscating computers, mailing lists, cell phones, passports, political literature and children’s drawings; and served subpoenas to 14 people to testify before a federal grand jury about their anti-war and international solidarity activities – part of an alarming trend to criminalize dissent in the United States; and

Whereas, 10 of the 14 people subpoenaed are union members with a long history of activism and leadership within their unions and local labor communities; and trade unionists understand that without the ability to speak out, union efforts would be crushed, and that the fight for civil liberties went hand in hand with the fight for workers’ rights.

Therefore be it resolved, that the New York Metro Area Postal Union goes on record as expressing grave concern that the recent FBI raids and grand jury investigation are the beginning of a new and dangerous assault on the First Amendment rights of every union fighter, civil rights or international solidarity activist, or anti-war campaigner; and
Be it further resolved, that the New York Metro Area Postal Union demands: 1) Stop the repression against labor, peace and solidarity activists who are exercising their First Amendment right to speak out and dissent; 2) End the Grand Jury proceedings, FBI raids, “fishing expeditions” and other attempts to intimidate and disrupt grassroots social movements; and 3) Return confiscated material. Finally, that the local will submit this resolution to American Postal Workers Union headquarters and the New York City Central Labor Council for concurrence and action.