National Network on Cuba Statement on FBI Raids

The National Network On Cuba protests the September 24, 2010 FBI raids on the homes and offices of international solidarity and anti-war activists in Chicago and Minneapolis. The justification was an attempt to collect evidence of “material support” of terrorism. These raids occurred just days after the Justice Department report criticizing the FBI political surveillance of groups such as Greenpeace and the Thomas Merton Center from 2002-2006. The raids of September 24 are a blatant continuation of the decade’s long abuse of power of the FBI.

At the same time that the FBI is harassing anti war activists, it refuses to investigate, and, in fact, is supporting and protecting the terrorists who have been attacking the sovereign Cuban nation for 50 years. These international terrorists include Luis Posada Carriles who is responsible for the 1976 bombing of a civilian Cuban flight murdering all 73 aboard. Posada brazenly walks the streets of Miami along with fellow terrorist Orlando Bosch, bragging of their criminal history and with no worry of FBI intervention.

These raids represent a threat to those, including Cuba solidarity activists, who demand their first amendment rights. The dangerous practice of targeting activists under the pretext of preventing terrorism must not be allowed to continue. We must all defend our civil rights to engage in peace, justice, and solidarity actions. We urge protests and condemnation of the FBI abuse of power.

In solidarity,

Louis Head
Banbose Shango
Sobukwe Shukura
Nalda Vigezzi

Co Chairs National Network On Cuba

We encourage all to send protests to:

Attorney General Eric Holder
Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20530-0001
202-514-1057 Main switchboard
202-353-1555 Comment line

President Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
202-456-1111 Comment line