Media Coverage
- The Muslim Observer: The Committee to Stop FBI Repression
- The Uptake: Peace Activist Sues Minneapolis For Police Violence, Withholding Evidence
- The Daily Northwestern: Freedom of Assembly, Government Cracks down on Chicago Protesters
- People’s Tribune: Activists confer across U.S. to plan the fight against FBI repression
- Real Change News: Chicago activist raided by FBI visits Seattle to raise money for legal defense
- The Progressive Magazine: Obama Grabs Repressive Tools
- Socialist Worker: Conference on FBI Repression
- Fight Back! Southern regional conference to stop FBI repression builds solidarity
- OpEdNews Profiles of the Targeted: FBI Wanted to Talk to Me About My Trip to Israel and Palestine
- New. Clear. Vision: To Protect and Serve?
- AP Exclusive: Chicago activist named in probe insists Palestinian trips had no terror link
- Activist Post – Activist Richard Brown’s Story of The SF8, FBI Repression, and the Return of COINTELPRO (Video)
- In these Times – UE: FBI Investigation Hindered 2009 Bank Protest