MADRE Strongly Condemns FBI Raids on Peace Activists – Tell the Department of Justice You Do Too

Over this past weekend, the FBI raided the homes of anti-war activists in Minnesota, Illinois and Michigan. They seized documents, personal items and computers from law-abiding US citizens. And they subpoenaed about a dozen activists to testify about their political views before a grand jury.

These raids were aimed at intimidating peaceful activists who dare to speak up against the US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and who actively oppose disastrous US policies in Palestine and Colombia. There is no evidence that the activists who were targeted had violated any laws.

MADRE condemns these repressive tactics. The constitutional right to peacefully oppose US government policy is a fundamental democratic principle. It is also key to MADRE's work with women across the world– especially in places where women and families are put at risk by US policy. MADRE joins peaceful activists across the US in affirming that democracy depends on dissent.

Take Action:

Call the U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder at 202-353-1555 or write an email to You can also use the form letter below.

Demand that the FBI and Department of Justice:

  • Stop the campaign to intimidate anti-war and international solidarity activists.
  • Immediately return all confiscated materials: computers, cell phones, papers, documents, etc.
  • End the grand jury proceedings against anti-war activists.

Send a letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder now!