Live stream legal update on Rasmea Odeh appeal, With Defense Attorney Michael Deutsch and Rasmea

Palestinian activist Rasmea Odeh is asking to speak to organized groups of supporters by video conference on

Thursday, June 11
6:30 p.m. CDT

the day after her defense attorney Michael Deutsch files her appeal.

Rasmea is asking you to live stream this event in your city or town so she can speak with you, and so Deutsch can explain the appeal process and what to expect as we struggle for justice. See below for details on how to set up your event.

Rasmea is the 68-year-old Palestinian American community leader who was tortured by the Israelis in 1969. She was targeted for political repression by the U.S. government and put on trial last year. Unable to obtain a fair trial, where she could speak about the torture and rape by the Israeli occupation army, she was convicted. 

Outrageously, given the minor charges against her, she was sentenced to 18 months in prison, followed by deportation. She is at home in Chicago preparing for her appeal.

The appeal takes place in Cincinnati, Ohio at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit. We plan to be there in solidarity with Rasmea when it happens, perhaps in September.


We are organizing a live stream appearance by Rasmea Odeh and attorney Michael Deutsch to take place on Thursday, June 11 at 6:30 p.m. Central time. This is an opportunity to have Rasmea present at events across the country (see bottom of this message to double check your time zone).


Rasmea Odeh is inviting defense attorney Michael Deutsch to explain her appeal and the process, then he can take questions that are submitted via chat or email. It is a good idea if the program includes at least one local speaker on the next steps in organizing solidarity with Rasmea Odeh’s appearance at the appeals court in Cincinnati, Ohio in September 2015.


Your event location will need an active Internet connection and a computer with speakers for viewing the stream. If you expect a lot of people and have access to a digital projector and screen that can be a nice addition. 

If you wish to ask questions from your location it may be more convenient to have a second device with chat or email capability, like a smartphone, laptop, tablet etc.

The live stream will be broadcast on the You Tube Channel. Confirm the broadcast link and other day-of-event information by emailing the organizers at:, RE: Rasmea live stream


Time for live stream event

Eastern 7:30pm

Central 6:30pm

Mountain 5:30pm

Pacific 4:30pm


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