Hands off the Anti-war Movement! Defend FRSO! Anarchist Solidarity Against the Political Police

We stand firmly opposed to the raids carried out by the FBI, America’s political police, against a number of anti-war and labor activists across the country on Friday, September 24th, 2010. We give our solidarity to those threatened by these raids and to those subpoenaed to appear before a government Grand Jury next month. These attacks must be resisted.

The FBI claims the raids were done in order to combat terrorism. We reject that lie. We know many of the activists attacked personally and have shared the frontlines with them in struggles against war and poverty and for freedom and justice. We have had, and will continue to have, serious disagreements with them. But let no one doubt – WE HAVE THEIR BACKS.

The FBI, and the government they serve, are the real terrorists. It was the FBI that carried out a program of assassination, repression, and disruption of the Black Panther Party and other movements for Black Liberation. It was the FBI that waged a brutal campaign of harassment, intimidation and murder against the American Indian Movement and other Native activists.

It is the U.S. government that operates as an empire with military occupations of countries all over the world like Iraq, Afghanistan, & Haiti and underwriting repression and occupation in Palestine, Colombia, Somalia and elsewhere.

The U.S. empire and their agents have no moral standing whatsoever to label these activists “terrorists” – and no right to dictate to anyone who around the world we can and cannot visit, dialogue with, or support.

It should be clear to those with open eyes that the Obama regime has more in common than not with Bush. They both serve the same capitalist system and imperial state. Obama’s government has now extended the undemocratic attacks begun under Bush against Muslim communities and organizations to groups and networks of the Left.

We should carefully analyze the government’s choice of timing and targets, and also begin building solidarity and defense. We must make it clear that “An Injury to One is an Injury to All”. We must give our friends the resources and support to fight this unjust harassment – and also begin preparing or re-preparing our communities and organizations for social
self-defense against this kind of repression, including the basic principal that we do not co-operate with or talk to the FBI.

The dedicated organizing in defense of the RNC 8 in Minnesota is a good example that can be built upon. We should begin discussing what it would take to unite all those (excluding the fascists and white supremacists) that have faced state repression into some common action. From the Muslim community, to the targets of the “Green Scare”, to the spied upon anti war activists in Iowa, to those activists hit by these most recent raids – we need to push back together.

First of May Anarchist Alliance