Green Party of Minnesota Supports Peace Activists Raided by FBI

News that five homes of well-known peace activists in Minneapolis had been raided and searched by FBI agents yesterday morning brought expressions of outrage from members of the Green Party´s state coordinating committee. They voiced support for the Anti War Committee and other local groups with which the activists are associated.  They believe that accusations of material aid to terrorism are intended to intimidate all who protest.

The suppression of democratic rights and the bogus use of terrorism charges continue to intensify under the Obama administration.  A number of the activists also received subpoenas to testify at a Chicago grand jury. We will continue to support these activists as they face the grand jury process.

"Following upon the unjustified raids and arrests that took place in 2008, this action throws a threatening shadow over freedom of expression in our state — as no doubt it was meant to do," says Andy Hamerlinck.  He pointed out that empty charges of terrorism against the RNC 8 arrested in 2008 have long since been dropped.  Only last week, all other charges were dropped against three of those defendants.  "Now we have a new round of bullying."