Fight Back: No to FBI Repression, Islamophobia and War! October 15 – 22

## Fight Back Tour: October 15 – 22

– Antiwar week of solidarity and in defense of civil liberties
– Marking the 10th year of the U.S. war against the people of Afghanistan
– Bring the Troops Home Now! Civil Liberties for all!

## Featuring

– **Stephen Downs,** Albany, NY civil liberties attorney; Legal Counsel, Project Salam (Support and Legal Advocacy for Muslims); Leading national spokesman against govern- ment-promoted Islamophobia and repression against the Islamic-American communities

– **Andrew Phillips,** General Manager KPFA Radio Michael Thurman, Bradley Manning Support Network

– **Jess Sundin,** Chicago Grand Jury subpoena victim and solidarity/antiwar activist facing, along with 23 others, felony charges of conspiracy to aid and abet terrorism. Twin Cities antiwar activist; Leader, Committee to Stop FBI Repression

## Other tour speakers participating in some of the meetings listed below include:
– Zarah Billoo, Executive Director, CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations)
– Hatem Bazian, Palestinian-American UC Berkeley Professor of Near Eastern Studies
– Carlos Villarreal, Exec. Dir., National Lawyers Guild
– Rep., United National Antiwar Coalition
– Michael Thurman, Bradley Manning
Support Network
– Laura Herrera, Mobilization to Free
Mumia Abu-Jamal
– Rep., Lynne Stewart Defense Committee
– Rep., Immigrant rights community
– Rep., Committee to Stop FBI Repression
– Andrew Phillips, General Manager
KPFA Radio


### Sat., October 15, 7PM

518 Valencia St. (near 16th St.),
San Francisco, Main sponsor: Northern California UNAC 510-268-9429. $10 sliding scale. No one turned away.

### Sat., October 15, 2:30 – 4PM

1182 Market Street (near 8th Street) Suite 203, San Francisco, Sponsor: SF Gray Panthers, reception/meeting, donations accepted 415-552-8800, graypanthers-sf@

### Sun., October 16

Oakland Reception/lunch/meeting at the home of Jeff Mackler… with KPFA friends, 1-4 PM, $20/no one turned away. RSVP: 510-268-9429,

### Tuesday, Oct 18, 7PM

909 12th St, Sacramento. Free/donation requested. Sponsors: Sacramento Valley Chapter, Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom, 916-369-5510 & Sacramento Area Peace Action

### Wednesday, October 19, 7-9PM

The Redwoods Auditorium, 40 Camino Alto, Mill Valley, CA, Sponsor, Mill Valley Seniors for Peace; Marin Peace and Justice Coalition 415-389-9040 Free

### Thursday, October 20, 7:30PM

Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, 1924 Cedar Street at Bonita, Berkeley, Free/donation requested.

### Friday, October 21, 7:00PM

Sonoma State University, Warren Auditorium in Ives Hall (Directions to Warren Auditorium: At the Main Entrance to the University, turn left off of E. Cotati Avenue onto Sequoia Drive. Take the first right at the Information Booth onto Redwood Drive. Turn left into parking lot E. Ives Hall is the building on the North side of the parking lot. Parking free after 5:00 pm), 707-874-2695. Sponsor: Project Cen- sored: Media Democracy in Action and Santa Rosa Peace and Justice Center

### Saturday, October 22, 2- 4 PM

San Jose Peace and Justice Center,
48 S. Seventh Street, San Jose, Sponsors: San Jose Peace and Justice Center and San Jose Committee to Stop FBI Repres- sion. Donations accepted. 408-373-0817

## Initial Tour Co-Sponsors

United National Antiwar Coalition • National Lawyers Guild SF Bay Area Chapter Committee to Stop FBI Repres- sion • Project Salam • San Jose Peace and Justice Center • Mill Valley Seniors for Peace • Marin Peace and Justice Center • Green Party of Alameda County • Oakland Education Association Peace and Justice Caucus • Peninsula Peace and Justice Center • Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists • International Action Center • International Socialist Organization • BAYAN/USA • Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal • Lynne Stewart Defense Committee • Code Pink San Francisco • Socialist Viewpoint • Solidar- ity • Sacramento Area Peace Action • Socialist Action • Project Censored: Media Democracy in Action • Santa Rosa Peace and Justice Center • Sacramento Valley Chapter Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom • Veterans for Peace Chapter 162 East Bay • Afghans for Peace • California Peace and Freedom Party • Michel Shehadeh, Case of the Los Angeles 8