CPI Statement of Solidarity to Anti-War Activists against FBI Raids

Nov. 21, 2010

We, the Committee on Pilipino Issues (CPI) strongly condemn the Gestapo-style raids and surveillance conducted against prominent members of the progressive community in Chicago and other Midwest cities.

Many of us, who hail from the third world, are only too familiar with state-sponsored acts of intimidation against activists. We know that it produces a chilling effect on political activity and brings fear into the hearts of those who fights for social justice that while comforting to a militarist and fascist world view, eventually leads to an unhealthy democracy.

Granted that in many places in the third world, peaceful organizers are shot and killed instead of placed in front of a grand jury, in essence, they are the same. A wink from a watchful big brother, warning you that the protections of the Constitution and Bill of Rights are only honored in paper, can be trampled upon by the state without consequence.

We believe that these raids constitute a bald over-reach of the state, under the aegis of the Patriot Act, apparently against political dissenters.

We believe that the Patriot Act is an irrational, kneejerk reaction to a traumatic experience which has slowly but thoroughly eroded individual rights and political freedoms in the United States.

We cannot help but see in these raids an alarming pattern of implicit repression of peaceful dissent and assembly, and runs contrary to the founding ideals of this nation.

The Committee on Pilipino Issues also sends a unified declaration of support to all anti-war activists that have been intimidated by the raids.

Understand that though the activists’ community has suffered a setback, these raids only serve to steel our resolve towards fighting for a more just and peaceful world.

A hearty “Mabuhay” (long live) to you all!

Makibaka, Huwag Matakot! (Let us struggle! Do not fear!)


CPI Executive Committee
Committee on Pilipino Issues (CPI)
Chicago, Illinois