Buncombe County Greens solidarity statement

Buncombe County Greens join the United States Green Party condemning the September 24th FBI raids on the homes of 14 peace and human rights activists in Chicago and Minneapolis. The FBI stated the goal of the raids was to investigate alleged "material support for terrorism." The raids were a 'fishing expedition' searching for anything that might be incriminating. Homes were searched for hours and personal items confiscated without charges being made. Thse activists face Grand Jury questioning and if they refuse to testify face still jail sentences and fines. The Fourth Amendment protects us from "unreasonable searches and seizures." These raids chill the exercise of free speech as protected by the First Amendment. The activists pledge non-cooperation with the Grand Jury because they fear innocent people they know may suffer as a result. In light of the Wikileaks revelations of clumsy diplomacy and heavy handed repression by our government, their concerns are not unfounded. "Big Brother" actions have no place in a democracy.

Attorney General Eric Holder should end the repression against peace and human rights activists. Confiscated materials should be returned immediately and NO Grand Jury proceedings should be initiated.