American Muslims for Palestine Urges Supporters to Hold Fast to First Amendment Rights in Face of FBI Raids

The American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), a national grassroots organization, whose mission is to educate the American public about issues related to Palestine, is deeply concerned about the implications of the recent FBI raids on anti-war activists throughout the country.

AMP stands strongly in support of our First Amendment rights to the freedom of speech and the freedom of assembly, which includes rallies and demonstrations protesting U.S. support of Israel and its occupation of Palestine. We are concerned about the ramifications of the searches of private citizens’ homes on Friday in so much that ordinary citizens may become afraid to speak out against unjust U.S. policies for fear of this kind of retribution. AMP urges its supporters to stand strong and to hold fast to all rights guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights.

“It is important to remember that we have the right of free speech and we must not allow the events that transpired on Friday to divert us from our efforts to raise awareness in this country about the unjust occupation of Palestine,” said Dr. Hatem Bazian, AMP chairman and professor of Near East and Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley.

AMP also demands that those involved in the search and seizures be afforded due process and we ask for transparency in these proceedings In accordance with the Fifth Amendment.

AMP is an American organization working in America for Americans. The Constitution gives all Americans the right to speak freely and to gather in assemblies. We assert it is possible to assert these rights while at the same time acting within the parameters of U.S. laws.

“It is of tantamount importance that due process be granted to all those whose homes were searched and who were summoned to appear for the Grand Jury.” Dr. Bazian said. “Due process is the cornerstone of our great legal system and we must be vigilant that this right is not eroded. It is also of tantamount importance that all work for the just cause of Palestine be done within the laws of the United States of America. AMP is a transparent, non-profit organization that works within the parameters of U.S. law, and we support all law-abiding activists in this cause.”

It is AMP's position that the search of the activist's should not and cannot allow be viewed as a statement as to any wrongdoing by those individuals, rather, as a Nation built on laws and justice it is paramount that we recall that all people are innocent until proven guilty. That presumption of innocence is more far reaching than any FBI warrant or search.

AMP also demands that those involved in the search and seizures be afforded due process and we ask for transparency in these proceedings In accordance with the Fifth Amendment.