1st National Conference Call of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression

A national conference call will be held on Tuesday, September 28th, at 8:00 PM central time. (9 East, 8 Central, 7 Mountain, 6 Pacific)  See bottom for details.

Across the country organizations and individuals are standing together to protest the United States government’s attempt to silence and criminalize anti-war and international solidarity activists.  We see the raids and subpoenas as an attack on anti-war and other progressive movements.  It is an attack on our freedom to speak, our freedom to assemble with like-minded people, and our freedom to tell the government that their actions and policies are wrong. It is an attempt to clear the way for more wars and occupations of other countries by the U.S. military.

We are coming together in response to the FBI raids on seven homes and an anti-war office on Friday, September 24, 2010.  The FBI also handed subpoenas to testify before a federal grand jury to eleven activists in Illinois, Minnesota, and Michigan.  These activists are involved in many groups, including the Twin Cities Anti-War Committee, the Palestine Solidarity Group, the Colombia Action Network, Students for a Democratic Society, and the Freedom Road Socialist Organization.  These activists and many others came together to organize the 2008 anti-war marches during the Republican National Convention in St. Paul.

We Demand:

  • Stop the repression of anti-war and international solidarity activists.
  • Immediately return all confiscated materials:  computers, cell phones, papers, documents, etc
  • End the grand jury proceedings against anti-war activists.

To Take Action:

  1. Call the U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder at 202-353l-1555 or write an email to:  <AskDOJ@usdoj.gov>
  2. Protest at your local Federal Building or FBI office this week.  There are 20+ protests organized so far.  Send us your info at info@colombiasolidarity.org
  3. Circulate statements of solidarity to your friends, neighbors and communities and ask them to sign on and do the same.
  4. Participate in the Committee to Stop FBI Repression.  The first meeting will take place via conference call on Tuesday, September 28 at 8pm CST.
    Dial-in Number: 1-213-289-0500
    Participant Access Code: 3363656